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The Antihero Creatives

The Antiheros Creatives Group was extablished in 2015 under the guise of Mr Jamie Alan Osborn with the dream of creating... to hear more behind the brainchild and inspiration of the AH movement see below.

Jamie Alan Osborn - THE Antihero

Tired of hearing "the right way to do things" or "the way things have always been done" as barriers to stop people trying to be creative instead of commercial, Jamie decided to ask himself a question; What if the "right" person isn't around, doesn't know the traditions, or even disagrees with having to aim for financial gain rather than creative output? As a book loving, film nerd he looked to what he knew best for the answer... and would you believe it, he found it.


  • Your depressed, world weary, over thinking son is the worst person to ask to swiftly and violently avenge your murder. Hamlet still does it... Eventually!


  • Trusting an immoral, debt ridden, murderous (he shot first) smuggler that you find in the worst bar you can find seems insane. Especially when you are the last hope of an oppressed galaxy to overthrow it's tyrannical masters. Yet, everyone loves Han Solo.


  • From a purely business mindset, a person with a history of troubles, a checkered past, an alternative lifestyle, controversial opinions, a lack of connections, or a fuck you attitude is not a good choice when looking for a reliable, maketable product... Tell that to Charlie Chaplin, Katherine Hepburn, Marilyn Munroe, Hunter S Thompson, Rock Hudson, Kurt Vonnegut, Elvis Pressley, Oliver Reed, John Lennon, Audrey Hepburn, Sylvester Stallone, Ian McKellan, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jnr, Quentin Tarrantino, Stephen Fry, and the hundreds of other creatives who disprove that.


The "right" person doesn't exist. More often than not the best work, most creative thinking, and persevering legacies are from the most unexpected, unknown, or seemingly unusual places... 


And so here we are: Bored of the status quo of having to have the right agents, right schools, right backgrounds, right thoughts, right everything the person behind the desk has on their tick list... The Antiheroes are taking control, doing things their way, and getting creative. 



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